Fission 2 5 0 6

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  1. Fission 2 5 0 60
  2. Fission 2 5 0 6 0

Quick Highlight

Configurable function-level timeout

Thank you for downloading Fission for Mac from our software library. The contents of the download are original and were not modified in any way. The download version of Fission for Mac is 2.7.0. The software is periodically scanned by our antivirus system. The main effects of shape were not significant in both fission (F (2, 41) = 1.23, p = 0.30, η p 2 = 0.06) and fusion (F (2, 41) = 0.54, p = 0.58, η p 2 = 0.03) illusions. Thus, the magnitude of. This page is for Solid-Fuel Fission Reactors in NuclearCraft. You may also be interested in reading the Solid-Fuel Fission Reactor section of the NuclearCraft tutorial or the Reactor Designs page for more specific info on designs that others have come up with. 1 Fission Reactors 2 Constructing Your Reactor 2.1 Fuel Calculator 2.2 Reactor Core Blocks 2.2.1 Reactor Cell 2.2.2 Moderator Blocks 2. Fission is a Firefox add-on that lets users replicate the Safari-style status bar within Firefox. Fission's operation is quite simple; when it's enabled, it fills the address bar with a user.

Before 1.6, router had a fixed timeout for functions.Some functions are longer running than others hence there was a request for per function timeout.

In 1.6, a new flag called --fntimeout was added to function sub command.To setup the timeout for functions, you can use --fntimeout value, --ft value when creating/updating the function.If a functions does not specify function-level timeout then the default timeout will be 60 seconds.

For details, see PR#1284.

Ingress host, path, annotations and TLS support

Ingress is a Kubernetes built-in resource that allows accessing Kubernetes services from outside of cluster with help of a ingress controller.There are many ingress controllers available to use webpage.

Fission supported ingress but without the support for TLS, host field and ingress annotations. 1.6 release adds support for all three.Related issue

Ingress annotations (--ingressannotation)

You can specify annotations to ingress when creating the HTTP trigger.If you want to disable TLS auto redirect and enable regular expression matching in NGINX Ingress Controller, you can add annotations such as:

NOTE: The format of annotation depends on the underlying ingress controller being used.You should check the respective documentation for details.

Ingress host rule (--ingressrule)

The format of rule is host=path, you have to give host and API endpoint path with delimiter = between them.If the rule is not provided, fission uses path specified by --url and allows requests from all hosts.For example, if you want to expose your function to the path /foobar and allow access from all hosts, you can do:

Which results in ingress definition like below:

If you want to limit the accessibility of function to a specific hosts, specify the host rule like --ingressrule '':

NOTE: The format of rule depends on the underlying ingress controller you are using.

In case of NGINX Ingress Controller for example, to support wildcard path you need to:

  • Enable regular expression matching by adding annotation to the Ingress.
  • Specify the router URL as /foo/{bar} and set path to /foo/*. (Issue)

Ingress TLS (--ingresstls)

To enable TLS termination, you need to follow the guide to create the secret that contains TLS private key and certificate.For Fission you just have to specify the secret name when creating HTTP trigger.

For details, see PR#1325 and PR#1326.

Annotations support for router service

Router now supports addition of annotations so the LoadBalancer created in your cloud provider can be customized to your needs.The specifics of annotations vary from cloud to cloud and you should check the related documentation.

For ex. On GKE, a LoadBalancer type service by default is accessible from the outside of Kubernetes cluster.But if you instead want to expose service to the applications that use the same VPC network and are located in the same GCP region, you can do by adding an extra annotation to the Service.

To enable internal LoadBalancer, you need to uncomment the svcAnnotations in chart's values.yaml.

Bettertouchtool 3 344 meters. For details, see PR#1338 and GKE doc.

PodSpec in Environment

PodSpec was introduced in Environment that allows users to modify the deployment created by Fission(Here is a blog post to demonstrate how to use PodSpec.).However, there was an issue reported when merging user-defined PodSpec in executor.In 1.6, we fixed the problem and now should work as expected.

It is worth noticing that the executor merges PodSpec using the following rules:

  • Slices are merged and return an error if the elements in the slice have name conflicts. (Containers, Volumes, Ports, Env, VolumeMounts, VolumeDevices)
  • Maps are merged, the value in user-defined PodSpec will override the value defined by Fission (if any).
  • The rest of type of the fields like pointer, string and int are overridden directly.

Once you have applied the fission spec, it is a good idea to check the resulting deployment.

If you don't see any deployment is created, it may due to the wrong PodSpec was generated.You need to follow the instruction here to check executor log for more details.

For details, see PR#1339 and blog post.

Deploy router as DaemonSet

ReplicaSet generated by Deployment distributes pods to nodes based on nodes resource usage, which means in some cases the newly created pods are assigned to only a few nodes.The requests will go to the same node if there are multiple router pods on it and may increase the burden of node resource and overall request latency.

To solve the problem mentioned above, now you can deploy the router as DaemonSet by setting router.deployAsDaemonSet to true when using helm to install Fission, in order to distribute requests across all nodes for better workload distribution and lower latency.

For details, see PR#1342.

Router now supports encoded URL

Fission uses gorilla/mux to match URL for functions and it by default matches path /foo%2Fbar/hello to /foo/bar/hello instead of URL path /{name}/hello.To enable encoded path support in router, you need to set router.useEncodedPath to true when using helm to install Fission.

For details, see issue and PR#1347.

Last modified September 23, 2020: Markdown lint reformat (#218) (db2e794)

Critical Fix

Request gets closed before receiving full response body

A critical issue that caused router closes requests before fully sendingresponse body back to client has been fixed.

For details, see issue and PR.

Quick Highlight

Migrate from urfave/cli to spf13/cobra

As the Fission has evolved, more and more commands and flags are added to CLI.To keep CLI as simple as possible, we also need to deprecate some of the flags to prevent confusion.

Consider the CLI package (urfave/cli) has not been shipped out any official release for a long time and missing features that are important for code repair.We decided to seek another CLI package to replace it.

The new package must fulfill following requirements:

  • Popularity: the package must be widely adopted by communities
  • Comprehensive docs and tutorials
  • Allow marking a flag as required/deprecated/hidden
  • Easy to add sub-commands

After evaluation and some experiments, we decided to use spf13/cobra, which fulfills all requirements above. Also, it's adopted by big projects like Kubernetes and Moby.

Since all CLI commands have been rewritten, if you see any inconsistent behavior for CLI command in 1.7.0, please file an issue.

Download jetbrains intellij idea ultimate 2018 2 for mac free. For details, see PR.

Orphaned resource adoption for executor

The executor used to be a stateful application that stores all kubernetes resources information it created in memory.Store in memory means we are not able to retrieve information back if executor pod gets deleted/restarted.So when a new executor starts, it detects and removes the kubernetes objects created by the deleted executors in order to rebuild the resources map.However, this approach may affect alive requests to function pods and terminates/deletes all existing pods when executor starts.

In 1.7.0, we use annotations to store all necessary information for resource adoption.Also, an experiment feature allows the executor to adopt existing orphaned kubernetes objects has been added to the codebase.Once the adoption feature enabled, whenever a new executor starts it will first try to adopt all resources created by the old executor instead of removing them like before.

There are no silver bullets, this adoption feature increases the overall startup time of executor if there are huge amounts of resources exist in the cluster.Also, requests to function that have no function pods exists yet will fail due to the executor is still in boot up process.The executor will wait at most 30 seconds for resources adoption, after that executor will start API service.

You can enable this feature by specify executor.adoptExistingResources to true when installing/upgrading Fission 1.7.0 with helm.

Or, you can enable it by modifying environment variable of deployment of executor.

The executor will still delete resources when you upgrade from a version prior 1.7.0 even the feature is enabled.

For details, see PR.

OpenShift support

For how to install Fission on OpenShift, please visit here

If you have any issues when installing Fission on OpenShift, feel free to open an issue.

For details, see PR.

URL as archive source when creating functions/packages

Previously, the CLI tends to download the file and upload it to internal storagsvc to persist when a user provides URL as archive source while creating the package.This approach increases the total package creation time if the file size is large.

Fission 2 5 0 60

As of 1.7.0, the CLI embeds the given URL in package archive directly.This approach brings couple benefits:

  • Shorten package creation time.
  • Increase the portability of fission spec file.
Fission 2 5 0 6

which results in

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And you will notice the CLI still tends to download the file in order to generate the SHA256 checksum toprevent the file changed.

You can either use --srcchecksum or --deploychecksum or --insecure to bypass the download steps.

For details, see PR1360 and PR1430

Display HTTP trigger access log

To show HTTP trigger access log, you have to set

when using helm to deploy 1.7.0. Or, you can change the environment variable DISPLAY_ACCESS_LOG of router deployment to 'true'.

Once enabling endpoint access log, the router resource utilization increases when under heavy workloads.

For details, see PR.

Update Prometheus chart version from 7.1.0 to 9.3.1

Starting in Kubernetes 1.16, Deployment resources that specify extensions/v1beta1 Movavi video converter portable. as the API group will be rejected.The deprecation of old API group fails the deployment of Prometheus chart prior version 9.3.0.

To avoid deployment failure, we've upgraded the Prometheus chart version to 9.3.1.

For details, see PR.

Specialization timeout for pool manager

Start from 1.5.0, newdeploy allows setting --specializationtimeout for function.And now you can specify the timeout setting for functions that use poolmanager as executor type.

For details, see PR.

ProbabilitySampler in router

ProbabilitySampler returns True or False for whether a span should be sampled depending on the results of a coin flip [1].

To change probability of sampler, you can set

when using helm to deploy 1.7.0.Or, you can change the environment variable TRACING_SAMPLING_RATE of router deployment to any value you want.

If the value of router.traceSamplingRate is 1 means to sample all incoming requests and 0 means to disable it.

For details, see PR.


Set API type for Tensorflow Serving function

Tensorflow Serving supports three kinds of API: predict, classify, regress.

You can specify the API kind in entry point in the format :.

The server inside function pod splits entry point to get model name and API kind.When requests go to the pod, the server will then appends API type to proxy URL in order to hit the correct Tensorflow Serving API.

For details, see PR.

PodSpec support in environment builder

PodSpec was introduced in Environment runtime for a period, people can add volumes or nodeSelector to function pod if needed.

Now, the environment builder also supports PodSpec.Please check the merge rules before using this feature.

For details, see PR.

Last modified September 23, 2020: Markdown lint reformat (#218) (db2e794)

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